You’ll get to see all the technological bits and pieces that make up the Web browser’s full set of capabilities. It’ll look like this:

Ignore everything except “Adobe Flash Player“. Here’s where you’ll want to “Check for update” to see what happens. Note: If you have any tabs open that are trying to use Flash, that can prevent an update, so I recommend you close every other window in Google Chrome on your Mac before you check for the update.

Update Adobe Flash Player For Mac On Chrome

Adobe Flash Player For Chrome

Most likely you’ll see something like this:

Adobe Flash Player For Windows 7

Component updated = good! Double check, click “Check for update” again. If there aren’t any additional updates, you’ll see this:

Sometimes that means it couldn’t update, but in this context it means you’re already using the latest and greatest.

Great. Now quit, restart your browser, and give Xfinity another shot. Hopefully you’ll see this:

Problem solved!

Let’s Stay In Touch!

I do have a lot to say, and questions of my own for that matter, but first I'd like to say thank you, Dave, for all your helpful information by buying you a cup of coffee!